
Who We Are


The La Brea Industrial Estate is home to local, regional, and international investors in the upstream, midstream, and downstream energy sectors.

Use the directory below to find tenants located on the Estate.

Tenants are listed alphabetically, however, you can change the sort order as well as search the directory using the tools provided.


1 38 AD GAS 1-868-648-8497 adgaslimited@gmail.com
4   CARIBBEAN ANALYTICAL SERVICES LIMITED (CASL) 1-868-223-2275 info@casl-group.com
5 4A GULF FERRY SERVICES 1-868-649-3455 admin@aamech-tt.com
6 7 HERITAGE PETROLEUM 1-868-649-6751 heritagepetroleum@heritage-tt.com
7 18B HULL SUPPORT SERVICES LIMITED 1-868-290-6929 admin@hullsupport.com
9 27A KAIZEN 1-868-299-0009 inquiries@kaizen-tt.com
10   LAKE ASPHALT OF TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO 1-868-648-7556 marketing@trinidadlakeasphalt.com
12 39 NAMALCO 1-868-651-0074 namalco@gmail.com
13 13 OILMOP ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LIMITED 1-868-648-8209 info@oilmoptt.com
14 17 PARAMOUNT TRANSPORT AND TRADING COMPANY LIMITED 1-868-653-3803 info@paramounttransport.com
15 24 & 29 PF ENGINEERING / KENSON GROUP OF COMPANIES 1-868-657-2457 info@kenson.co.tt
16 30 READY OFFSHORE 1-868-299-9695 aamcch@gmail.com
17 31 SAMMY'S MULTILIFT 1-868-659-2115 admin@sammysmultilift.com
18 21 SONRIZ ENGINEERING SERVICES LIMITED 1-868-352-5315 admin@sonrizengineering.com
19 40A ST. ANTHONY'S TAXI CO-OPERATIVE 225 6833 or 765 3458 sheran.j.francois@gmail.com
20 22B TIGER TANKS 1-868-651-1544 receptionist@tigertankstrinidad.com
21 1B TOFCO 1-868-651-0006 info@tofcott.com
22 25 & 26 WELL SERVICES 1-868-677-7531 info@wellservicesgroup.biz